Saturday, February 21, 2015

Interesting Read of the Day: Oliver Sacks on Death

No time for a long post today, but I just wanted to share something I read today. This is an article written by Oliver Sacks after he received a terminal diagnosis a few weeks ago. He has a limited time to live, which is a tragedy in and of itself, considering what a brilliant and important man he is. But really, his attitude on life now, now that it's almost over, is thought provoking. It really makes you think about what's important.

His writing is really moving as well. He has a way with words, and he manages to convey emotion beautifully. His article is a short read, but it is moving. I highly recommend looking at it if you have a few free moments today.
"Oliver Sacks at TED 2009" by Erik Charlton - originally posted to Flickr as Real Awakenings. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

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