Tragically, I lost some books this week to a plumbing problem. There were 17 books that had enough water and/or mold damage that they had to be thrown out. I went though the books that are officially lost causes and made a few different lists, which will go up as a few different blog posts.
This is the first part, the books with emotional attachment/books that might not be replaceable.
Luckily, there are really only two books that fit into this category.
The first is Tales from the Ballet by Louis Untermeyer. I got this book at a library book sale for $1 many years ago. When I was little I checked it out from the library many times and I loved the stories and beautiful pictures in it. The copy I had was from the original 1968 printing, and it had a handwritten note on the first page dated December 1968.
This was the same cover as the copy I had. I would love to replace this book if possible, but I don't know if that'll be doable.
The second book is another one that I bought at a library book sale, probably for about $0.50. It was a copy of In the Hands of the Goddess by Tamora Pierce. It was an old library copy that had been pulled from circulation. It was from the origional printing (and had the origional cover), and was old and kind of ragged. When that book was in circulation, I checked it out from the library probably no less than 10 times in a period of 3 or 4 years. When I saw it at a book sale, I had to buy it.
This is probably the book I'm saddest to lose. I doubt it'll be easy to find a copy from that printing, and more than anything, I just loved having that copy of it, which I had read so many times when I was younger.